

У лукоморья дуб зелёный (отрывок из поэмы «Руслан и Людмила»)

У лукоморья дуб зелёный;
Златая цепь на дубе том:
И днём и ночью кот учёный
Всё ходит по цепи кругом;
Идёт направо — песнь заводит,
Налево — сказку говорит.
Там чудеса: там леший бродит,
Русалка на ветвях сидит;
Там на неведомых дорожках
Следы невиданных зверей;
Избушка там на курьих ножках
Стоит без окон, без дверей;
Там лес и дол видений полны;
Там о заре прихлынут волны
На брег песчаный и пустой,
И тридцать витязей прекрасных
Чредой из вод выходят ясных,
И с ними дядька их морской;
Там королевич мимоходом
Пленяет грозного царя;
Там в облаках перед народом
Через леса, через моря
Колдун несёт богатыря;
В темнице там царевна тужит,
А бурый волк ей верно служит;
Там ступа с Бабою Ягой
Идёт, бредёт сама собой,
Там царь Кащей над златом чахнет;
Там русский дух… там Русью пахнет!
И там я был, и мёд я пил;
У моря видел дуб зелёный;
Под ним сидел, и кот учёный
Свои мне сказки говорил.

1820 г.
Александр Пушкин

On seashore far a green oak towers…

On seashore far a green oak towers,
And to it with a gold chain bound,
A learned cat whiles away the hours
By walking slowly round and round.
To right he walks, and sings a ditty;
To left he walks, and tells a tale…
A strange place! There a mermaid sits in
A tree; there prowls a sprite; on trails
Unknown to man move beasts unseen by
His eyes; there stands on chicken feet,
Without a door or e’en a window,
A tiny hut, a hag’s retreat.
Both wood and valley there are teeming
With wondrous things… When dawn comes, gleaming
Waves o’er the sands and grasses creep,
And from the clear and shining water
Step thirty goodly knights escorted
By their old tutor, of the deep
An ancient dweller… There a dreaded
Tsar by a prince is captive ta’en;
There, as all watch, for cloud banks headed,
Across the sea and o’er the plain,
A mage a warrior bears. There, weeping,
A young princess sits in a cell,
And Grey Wolf serves her very well.
There, in a mortar, onward sweeping
All of itself, beneath the skies
The wicked Baba-Yaga flies;
There Tsar Koshchei o’er his hoard withers…
A smell of Russ! Of Russ all breathes there!…
There once was I, and the learned cat,
As near him ‘neath the oak I sat
And drank of sweet mead at my leisure,
Told me full many a tale… With pleasure
These tales of his do I recall
And here and now will share with all…

Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin (1799-1837)
Translation by Irina Zheleznova

This poem has been with us since childhood. It seems to me that there is no Russian-speaking person who would not hear these lines, would not imagine a cat wandering along a golden chain, or a mermaid shaking her tail ..
For all lovers of Alexander Pushkin's creativity, I have collected his magical heroes on this sling.
Goldfish and Chernomor, Queen of Shamakhan and Tsar with Golden Cockerel. Baba Yaga and Hut on chicken legs, Princess Swan, Bogatyrs and Squirrel, with golden nuts. And of course, the Oak, girded with a golden chain and the Cat scientist.
And attentive eyes will be able to find many more interesting things!
I think it's a great idea to tell stories in slings)
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