


At all times and in almost all ancient cultures, cats were treated in a special way.
The first thing that comes to mind when mentioning cat deities is, of course, Egypt. The cats here were called Mau. Bast, or Bastet, the Egyptian cat goddess, took on many roles, such as that of protector, fertility, and moon goddess, as well as the patroness of all cats.
But not only in ancient Egypt, special importance was attributed to cats.

The Northern Goddess of fertility, magic, divination, health and war, Freya, was depicted riding her chariot, in which two giant gray cats were harnessed by the god Thor. To appease the cats and guarantee the harvest, farmers left offerings to Freya's cats in their fields.

The ancient Chinese also worshiped the cat Li Shou, who protected their crops from rats and mice.

However, in the Middle Ages, attitudes towards cats changed due to the prevailing Christian faith. They were massively destroyed, because. cats and cats were associated with older pagan beliefs and cultures that were persecuted to establish the universal dominance of Christianity. It was at that time that the black cat became associated with evil forces and bad luck.

Scotland is perhaps the only country in which a black cat is considered a talisman of good luck - fishing and sailing. It was believed that in a family where there is a black cat, a fisherman from the sea will always return. Until now, black cats are one of the most popular pets in the northern regions of Scotland.

The Celts also revered cats as sacred animals. They were considered guards of the gates to another world, guardians of treasures, as well as those who give a person well-being and connection with the subtle world.

Similar beliefs were among the ancient Slavs. Their cats symbolized home comfort, and were also considered patrons of the hearth. The cat is the animal of the goddess Mokosh, who was the goddess of femininity, fertility, extolling the female role in society.

In the modern world, cats still have not lost their magical powers. They are YouTube stars, amazing characters in literature and poetry, and still our best friends.
We are pleased to present you our pattern with these unusual animals. We hope it will bring peace to your heart, help your child feel cozy and warm, and also bring a smile to his parents.

Meow meow!

Pattern author Evgenia Zlotar

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